


Switch to Green products at us.shaklee.com/site/justdogreen




Phone: +1 941 929-8785

Welcome to JustDoGreen

This Is Just The Beginning of Your New Adventure Into Green Living

Just Do Green is an information base for switching to more Green products in your home, business and everyday activities; Greening your home; Greening your eating; Greening your body; and daily helping to improve our planet.    We all need to incorporate more Green into our daily lives.  Green denotes a healthier life!


Go to the Green Products page, order things you already use every day and just by switching to the Green products I will donate 20% of the profits to your designated non-profit!  It gives your non-profit a recurring income that can grow exponentially as you get your friends and they get their friends to switch to Green which will support your non-profit.  Go to us.shaklee.com/site/justdogreen in the shopping tab to order the best Green products.


Little things like how we drive, what type of nutrition we give our bodies, what we clean our homes with and generally what we do most days that we can switch to more natural and Green products and methods to reduce our adverse impacts to our Planet.


"Whenever you pluck something up, you find everything else in the universe attached to it."  John Muir - 1869


"Realize You are a Product of Nature and Your Existence Depends on Nature's Products."

Author of Just Do Green - 2013




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